Saturday, July 26, 2008

My Habit

When I realized DR's 2-for-1 Altoids sale would expire last night. I grabbed some ones out of the dollar jar and drove over. I left my keys w/the DR card in the car so someone else got the points. I haven't been paying attention to their point system so I will in the future. Turns out I had also left my wallet in the car and was limited. From the $ in my pocket I was able to get 10 boxes. I went back home(I didn't calculate how much the gas cost for that 8 minute drive).

While in a phone convo w/a friend while she was shopping in Costco the light bulb went on. You guessed it. Another 12 boxes coming my way. It gets better. Seems like she messed up and she is repaying me w/those altoids. By the way the messup wasn't that bad. Just a minor glitch.

Meanwhile, I have been feeling the $ pinch in that there are things I want to do but don't want to put the amount on a credit card. So it's simple livin'. I'm on my way to the library, an art show at the waterfront and maybe a stop to the new Ikea. We'll see. However, money or not I will enjoy my day.

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